Programming Concepts 2

📚 Watch and Read


Watch's programming variables part 1 and programming variables part 2 to recap the concepts of initializing (sometimes referred to as creating, allocating, or declaring) and data types.

Numeric variables shows why there are multiple types of numeric variables.

Strings are another common data type, almost always represented by using quotes, either 'single' or "double", depending on the programming language. An important point is that in most languages

x = 2 means x is an integer while y = "2" means y is a string

2 and "2" might look the same to humans, but to computers they are different.

Boolean variables are incredibly important to programming, allowing us to set things as true or false. offers a video introduction to boolean expressions.

Later, we'll explore constructs like if statments and loops that use Boolean variables to determine which statement a program should execute next.

Number Systems

Binary or base 2, a computer's central processing unit (CPU) only understands 1 and 0, called binary. This is because at the lowest level, the CPU of a computer is working with electricity which is either on or off. This is also one reason why you commonly see electrical and computer engineering together at universities.

Converting decimal (base 10) to binary is a common part of most computer science programs. You aren't required to be an expert at number system conversions for this course, but you will see them throughout your programming journey.

Decimal to binary part 1 and decimal to binary part 2 videos are helpful resources for practicing conversions.

Hexadecimal number system

Hexadecimal is another commonly used number system in computing because it converts to binary very well.

Converting decimal to hexadecimal shows how to convert numbers between the two systems and this series from BBC shows some of the ways hexadecimal is used in modern computing.

Arrays and other Data Structures

Variables are incredibly useful, but if the only types of variables programmers had at their disposal were numbers, strings, and booleans, we would be limited in what we could accomplish.

If you worked on the Kindle development team at Amazon, you'd have to figure out how to store a book in your code and display it to a reader. You could store every page as a string variable, but that would be very tedious and you would have to know how many pages are in every book so each page could have its variable created -- yuck.

var page1 = 'In the beginning, there was a lot of words on page 1.'
var page2 = 'Then on page 2, some more stuff happened.'
var page3 = 'Finally, things concluded on page 3'

You may be able to see how a 300 page book would be painful with this model. Thankfully, we have more advanced types of variable at our disposal.

There are many data structures, for this class we're going to focus on Arrays, also known as Lists. has a great series of videos introducing arrays

How would you change in the Kindle example above using arrays?

One way is outline below. NOTE: the specific syntax will be different depending on the language.

Create an array and assign it to the variable book

var book = []

Add each page as a string of words to the array.

book.push('In the beginning, there was a lot of words on page 1.')
book.push('Then on page 2, some more stuff happened.')
book.push('Finally, things concluded on page 3')

That doesn't look too different from the example above. If we had a 300 page book, we would still need 300 .push statements to add them all to the book array. The powerful change comes when you try to print.

for (page in book){

We'll talk about loops in another module. Read the code above as "for each page in the array named book, print that page". This is an amazing savings, because it works for a 1, 100, or 1,000,000 page book. The for loop processes the array the same, without you having to know how many pages.

Complete lessons 21-45 in freeCodeCamp JavaScript course. Links to individual lessons and their corresponding youtube video are below.

  1. Declare String Variables 💻 code📺 watch
  2. Escaping Literal Quotes in Strings 💻 code📺 watch
  3. Quoting Strings with Single Quotes 💻 code📺 watch
  4. Escape Sequences in Strings 💻 code📺 watch
  5. Concatenating Strings with Plus Operator 💻 code📺 watch
  6. Concatenating Strings with the Plus Equals Operator 💻 code📺 watch
  7. Constructing Strings with Variables 💻 code📺 watch
  8. Appending Variables to Strings 💻 code📺 watch
  9. Find the Length of a String 💻 code📺 watch
  10. Use Bracket Notation to Find the First Character in a String 💻 code📺 watch
  11. Understand String Immutability 💻 code📺 watch
  12. Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth Character in a String 💻 code📺 watch
  13. Use Bracket Notation to Find the Last Character in a String 💻 code📺 watch
  14. Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth-to-Last Character in a String 💻 code📺 watch
  15. Word Blanks 💻 code📺 watch
  16. Store Multiple Values in one Variable using JavaScript Arrays 💻 code📺 watch
  17. Nest one Array within Another Array 💻 code📺 watch
  18. Access Array Data with Indexes 💻 code📺 watch
  19. Modify Array Data With Indexes 💻 code📺 watch
  20. Access Multi-Dimensional Arrays With Indexes 💻 code📺 watch
  21. Manipulate Arrays With push() 💻 code📺 watch
  22. Manipulate Arrays With pop() 💻 code📺 watch
  23. Manipulate Arrays With shift() 💻 code📺 watch
  24. Manipulate Arrays With unshift() 💻 code📺 watch
  25. Shopping List 💻 code📺 watch

💬 05 Chat

Due: 03/25/19 9 AM


The purpose of this chat is to continue developing your self-reflection skills.

  1. After going through the content above, write out at least two questions you have related to any of the concepts presented.

    Use this opportunity to ask questions about concepts you don't fully understand. If you are confident in your understand of all the concepts, develop questions around how a concept might be applied or why it might be useful to you in your career.

  2. Join the the #sp19-05-chat Slack channel and ask your questions.

Grading Rubric

% Explanation
100% Two questions asked in #sp19-05-chat related to this module's content.
+10% Bonus points for asking more than 2 questions.
+10% Bonus points for helping other students find answers to their questions.

📝 05 Journal

Due: 03/25/19 9 AM


  1. Visit your freecodecamp settings by clicking your profile image in the upper right
  2. Click the "Show me my public portfolio" button at the top center of the page.
  3. Copy the URL of your profile.
  4. Paste the URL of your freecodecamp profile in a Slack Direct Message to Michael Greene (profmikegreene)
  5. Aldo Direct Message (DM) Michael Greene (profmikegreene) with two lists.
    1. One for the things you understand most confidently.
    2. One for the things you are struggling with.

The items in these lists can be vocabulary, assignment tasks, concepts, whatever sticks out in your mind. Try to find at least two items per list and feel free to make them as long as you like.

Grading Rubric

% Explanation
40% Having the first Javascript lessons 21-45 complete in your freecodecamp profile
30% Direct message to profmikegreene containing a list of things you are confident you understand
30% Direct message to profmikegreene containing a list of things you are struggling with

⚛️ 05 Project

Due: 03/25/19 9 AM

The purpose of this project is to prove your understanding of the concepts in this lesson.



  1. Click Channels in the Slack sidebar to view all channels
  2. Join the #sp19-05-project slack channel
  3. In that Slack channel, you will see a link that will take you to Github Classroom
  4. Click the Accept this assignment button and Github will create a version of the project for you.
  5. Once this step is complete, the page should say "Your assignment has been created here:". Click this link and visit your repository.
  6. Create a new Glitch project using the hello-webpage option


  1. Open the script.js file created in your Glitch project. It will contain some comments and a console.log statement

  2. At the end of the file, you'll write some new Javascript

  3. Create a new variable named name and set if equal to your first name

  4. Use concatenation to add your last name to the name variable

  5. Create a new variable named nameLength and set it equal to the length of the name variable

  6. Create an array named shinigami with the following elements

    • Ichigo
    • Gin
    • Shunsui
  7. Add the following element to the array Kyoraku

  8. Create a new variable named substitute and use bracket notation to set it equal to the Ichigo element of the shinigami array

  9. Remove the Ichigo element of the shinigami array


  1. Open the Glitch Tools menu in the bottom left, and select Git, Import, and Export

  2. Click Export to Github and type in your github username/sp19-04-username

    For example, I would type profmikegreene/sp19-05-profmikegreene

  3. Click OK and your project should be exported to Github

  4. Visit your repo on [][] and click the branches dropdown and you should see a Glitch branch containing your code

All done!

Grading Rubric

pts Explanation
5 Create a github repo for this project
5 name contains your first name
5 concatenation adds your last name to name
5 nameLength equal to the length name
10 shinigami array contains 3 strings
10 another string added to shinigami
10 Ichigo element removed from shinigami
Last Updated: 4/1/2019, 3:40:48 PM