
📚 Watch and Read

Complete the following lessons.

  1. Iterate with JavaScript While Loops 💻 code📺 watch
  2. Iterate with JavaScript For Loops 💻 code📺 watch
  3. Iterate Odd Numbers With a For Loop 💻 code📺 watch
  4. Count Backwards With a For Loop 💻 code📺 watch
  5. Iterate Through an Array with a For Loop 💻 code📺 watch
  6. Nesting For Loops 💻 code📺 watch
  7. Iterate with JavaScript Do...While Loops 💻 code📺 watch
  8. Profile Lookup 💻 code📺 watch
  9. Generate Random Fractions with JavaScript 💻 code📺 watch
  10. Generate Random Whole Numbers with JavaScript 💻 code📺 watch
  11. Generate Random Whole Numbers within a Range 💻 code📺 watch
  12. Use the parseInt Function 💻 code📺 watch
  13. Use the parseInt Function with a Radix 💻 code📺 watch
  14. Use the Conditional (Ternary) Operator 💻 code📺 watch
  15. Use Multiple Conditional (Ternary) Operators 💻 code📺 watch

💬 08 Chat

Due: 04/22/19 9 AM


The purpose of this chat is to continue developing your self-reflection skills.

  1. After going through the content above, write out at least two questions you have related to any of the concepts presented.

    Use this opportunity to ask questions about concepts you don't fully understand. If you are confident in your understand of all the concepts, develop questions around how a concept might be applied or why it might be useful to you in your career.

  2. Join the the #sp19-08-chat Slack channel and ask your questions.

Grading Rubric

% Explanation
100% Two questions asked in #sp19-08-chat related to this module's content.
+10% Bonus points for asking more than 2 questions.
+10% Bonus points for helping other students find answers to their questions.

📝 08 Journal

Due: 04/22/19 9 AM


  1. Direct Message (DM) Michael Greene (profmikegreene) with two lists.
    1. One for the things you understand most confidently.
    2. One for the things you are struggling with.

The items in these lists can be vocabulary, assignment tasks, concepts, whatever sticks out in your mind. Try to find at least two items per list and feel free to make them as long as you like.

Grading Rubric

% Explanation
50% Direct message to profmikegreene containing a list of things you are confident you understand
50% Direct message to profmikegreene containing a list of things you are struggling with

⚛️ 08 Project

Due: 04/22/19 9 AM

The purpose of this project is to prove your understanding of the concepts in this lesson.



  1. Click Channels in the Slack sidebar to view all channels
  2. Join the #sp19-08-project slack channel
  3. In that Slack channel, you will see a link that will take you to Github Classroom
  4. Click the Accept this assignment button and Github will create a project repo for you.
  5. Once this step is complete, the page should say "Your assignment has been created here:". Click this link and visit your repository.
  6. Create a new Glitch project using the Clone from Git Repo option and paste in RCC-ITP-175/sp19-08-YOURGITHUBUSERNAME to clone from the repo you just created.


  1. Your Glitch project now contains several exercise.js files which contain instructions and some console.log statements to validate that you've completed the instructions.
  2. Write some Javascript to complete the instructions for each of the exercise.js files.


  1. Open the Glitch Tools menu in the bottom left, and select Git, Import, and Export

  2. Click Export to Github and if asked type RCC-ITP-175/sp19-08-

    For example, I would type RCC-ITP-175/sp19-08-profmikegreene

  3. Click OK and your project should be exported to Github

  4. Visit your repo on and click the branches dropdown and you should see a Glitch branch containing your code

All done!

Grading Rubric

pts Explanation
5 Create a github repo for this project
10 exercise1.js completed
10 exercise2.js completed
20 exercise3.js completed
Last Updated: 4/7/2019, 5:26:57 PM